Saturday, March 17, 2007

Spring has NOT sprung!!!

Oh well. No spring yet. Mother nature was just giving us a taste of what is to come if we're patient. Now what?! I guess I'll just clean the house and walk a million miles on the treadmill. Hubby returns tomorrow from California. Kind of excited to see him.

I'm definitely going to clean and organize my scrapbooking supplies. I have got to get serious about scrapbooking again. This is getting ridiculous because I'm been procrastinating for so long. Time to get down to business.

Kiddios are glad that it's the weekend and so am I.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Has Spring Sprung???

What a beautiful day. I could really get used to this kind of weather. I hope it stays. The sign at the bank said 71 WOW! As soon as the kids got off the bus we took a long walk (with the dog) to the park. Everyone really enjoyed themselves. I think the fresh air really pooped everyone out because after showers, they all turned in for the night. Now I'm up enjoying the peace and quiet. And watching The Real Housewives of Orange County. It's a secret addition of mine. I don't know why I like the show so much. It's like a train wreck and I just have to keep on watching. Silly, but true.

Time for bed.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Non Productive Weekend

Everyone is feeling better. We are fever free!! Yay!! BUT...I didn't do anything productive this weekend. Darn it! We did buy a treadmill on Saturday and I walked this morning. Today is the first day of the rest of my life. Summer is coming and I need to be in shape. I'm tired of complaining and wishing the weight away. I've got to do something and this is it. I'll keep my progress posted. I'm kind of an instant gratification girl and I've always given up really quickly. Not anymore though! I WILL see this to the end, and that's my final answer!

I didn't scrapbook like I wanted to either. I did check out some blogs and websites for some ideas. I can tell you this, I'm inspired. Now I just have to get motivated.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

The ICK!!!!

Well...the "ick" is going around. We have it here at our house again. 1 out of 3 home from school. The school nurse said he can't come to school tomorrow even if the fever goes away. Guess I get to take the day off work tomorrow too! What will I do on my "day off"??? I could Scrapbook, Sew, Clean. I'll have to see if the creative juices are flowing. I'm gonna search the web to get some inspiration. If I make something really crazy funky cool, I'll post pics.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Okay, I'm official!!!

Well I guess I just took the plunge into this crazy world of "blogging"!! I'm so glad to have a place to "collect my thoughts" and showcase my scrapbooking and handmade purses. The best is yet to come!