Friday, April 13, 2007


Well, I'm so excited that Antonio is coming home tomorrow!! I never thought I'd say that!! It's been a long time since we saw him. The kids are excited too! I guess I'll spend the morning cleaning so the house is spic and span. Maybe he'll think it's been that way the whole time he was gone. :) Thank God it's the weekend and that the weather is finally going to warm up. I'm not so excited about this snow in April.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

It's been a long time

Wow. I haven't posted in so long. Lots to report here. I'm so sad to say that Monica finally lost her battle with cancer on Thursday. She was such a fighter and a great wife and mom. I have comfort in knowing that she is in Heaven and no longer suffering. All I can do is pray for peace and comfort for Antonio and his family.

Got to prepare for Easter!!!