Thursday, November 13, 2008

My morning * mojo *

This is just a sample of my morning * mojo *. You'd be surprised how long this keeps me going.

It's a banana, a handful of spinach, a peach and some water. Mmm Mmm good!

I'd like to say it replaces my morning coffee...but let's not get crazy now! I loves me some coffee in the morning.

RawWho?? Raw Fu

Well, I did it! That's right. Last night I signed up for the Raw Fu Holiday Challenge.

I'm excited. Go check out their website. I'm so done with eating cooked, processed, dead, etc, etc, etc food. I've already been avoiding (for the most part) bread, flour, pasta, sugar, potatoes, most meat, and anything that comes packaged. I've been doing green smoothies in the morning. Sometimes in the evening too. But gosh darn it all to heck :) I'm soo sick of eating just for the sake of eating or just because the time on the clock says so.

I'm excited to be part of a group that thinks and feels the same way about food that I do. That's how I lost 31.2 lbs on Weight Watchers. Maybe in my mind I need to be held accountable for my choices. I'm hoping my cyber raw foodies will help me do that. I start on the 15th of November and continue until the 24th of December. (hopefully longer)

Wish me luck!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My New *Friend*

Okay so Layla is my new BFF. She doesn't know it. She doesn't even know me!! But I stalk her blog obsessively!! She has awesome style and taste. I want to pack my bags and move into her cute guestroom.

She's going to try out for HGTV's Design Star. Vote for her so we can see more of her creativity.

Go check her out at The Lettered Cottage

Friday, October 24, 2008

My new cup of coffee

I'm kind of a coffee snob. I love coffee. I don't mean I *love* it, I mean I ** LOVE LOVE ** it!!! Well...I have a new love...


They are my new coffee! I jumped on the green smoothie band wagon a few weeks ago. Since I've lost 31.2 lbs (yes that .2 matters!), I've been on a health kick. I no longer eat meat and I CAN'T eat dairy. I mostly eat raw fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Can you say energy?! I feel great. I no longer get that full feeling. My skin is clearing up. I have a good attitude. I haven't had a headache in a while. I feel so much better about myself knowing that I'm not eating crap out of a box anymore. I'm not saying that I haven't indulged in the occasional treat :o but I don't have the cravings that much anymore. If I had chips in the cabinet before, I would have an overwhelming urge to eat them. Seriously, it was all consuming! I couldn't concentrate or stay on task because I was thinking about those darn chips!!

We'll see what happens with weight loss. That would just be an added benefit at this point. Even if I don't lose a pound, this is still gonna be my new way of eating.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Look what I got!

I just got this...

and these...

The shoes are sooo stinkin' comfortable and cute too. I needed shoes to wear with jeans. Let's be realistic people...I'm not trying to to wear heels everyday!!

I got the perfume to replace my Escada that I just ran out of. Hubby got them for me yesterday. (early anniversary presents!)

I didn't post the kitchen pics because my little offspring came home from school and made themselves snacks...enough said.

Still loving the weather. I need to try to make it out to the apple orchard this season. We picked raspberries last year and I vacuum sealed them (duh, see my profile)and we just finished the last of them in a smoothie.

The kids have been having green smoothies everyday. Shocker I know! I'm glad though cuz they're full of greens that that they wouldn't normally eat. I put kale in mine and hubby's today and it was spicy. Not spicy bad, spicy good!

Over the river and through the woods to Grandma's house we go (tomorrow). Now I'm off to check out all of your lovely blogs and get some fall decorating inspiration.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Clean Smelling Kitchen

Loving the fall weather!! If I could wear jeans and turtlenecks all year I would be a happy camper!

Today I cleaned out all the kitchen cabinets inside and out with Murphy's Oil Soap. Love the stuff! Ummm I have alot of appliances...
*Bread Machine
*George Forman Grill
*Stand Mixer
*Vegetable Steamer
*Vacuum Sealer

The funny thing is, I still want a Food Processor?!? I'm starting to transition to a Raw Food Diet. (That's a whole 'nother post!)

Pics of the bright shiny and clean smelling kitchen tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

For Sale!!

It's a 2008 Saturn Outlook & it's for sale! Contact me for any info or details.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

65 x 999

Angelo-Mom do you know how much I love you?


Angelo-I love you at 65 then you times it by 999!

It's things like that, that make my heart melt. :) And he was even fresh out of the shower so he didn't have that dirty little boy smell. Awwww!

I told him that I love him 65 x 999 + infinity!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Seriously people...

I need a job!! I had off all summer and now that the kiddios are back in school, I need a job!! I need to make some moolah. It makes me feel so worthless to not be contributing to the familia. Uggghh! I don't even have any scrapbooking or creative mojo. What's my problem?

On a side note...DO NOT EVER ATTEMPT TO DO THE MASTER CLEANSE!! I tried it and lasted 2 complete days. On the end of the 2nd day I had the absolute worst migrane. I was never hungry but I guess my body needed some form of nutrition. Bad experience, never again, no way!

So I'm off to look for a job. Wish me luck. I don't know what I want to be when I grow up.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Ice Cream & Pizza


Why is it that if either of these things are in the house that they call my name from the kitchen? And me, like a dummy, think that if I just eat ALL of the ice cream then it will be gone and it will stop * taunting * me?!

Oh well. Today is a new day. I worked out and am sticking to CORE.

These are my new goals...
1. track every darn thing that passes my lips
2. cardio EVERY day- at least 30 min
3. strength training EVERY OTHER day- no matter what
4. WATER WATER and more WATER!!!

Why do my * fat girl * eating habits always want to come back to haunt me??

Well no more. I'm sick of this. June 27th marks 1 year on Weight Watchers and 2 months since Lifetime.

It's exactly 32 days until my birthday. I will be in the best shape of my life by the time that day comes. That's a fact!! My goal is to look better and fitter at 37 than I ever have.

Watch my progress. I'll post pics on July 28.

I plan to blog obsessively about my exercise and food consumption. If anyone actually reads about my boring life, leave me a comment or some words of encouragement!!

Thanks in advance.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

50 Odd Things About Me!!

50 odd things about me!

50 Odd Things About Me
If you have a blog of your own, copy & paste this, fill in your own answers, and let your readers get to know you a little better!

(1) Favorite hobby? Scrapbooking, cardmaking and believe it or not...working out

(2) How do you feel about your ex? Which one???

(3) Do you own guns? Nope

(4) What flavor do you add to your drink at sonic? We don't have a Sonic, so I'm not sure what this means???

(5) Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? If it's a dentist appt. then I wouldn't call it nervous...I'd call it a full blown panic/anxiety attack!!

(6) What do you think of hot dogs? I'm mad at mine right now. dumb dog

(7) Favorite Christmas song? Rockin' around the Christmas tree

(8) What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Coffeeeeee!!!!

(9) Can you do push ups? Yep

(10) Can you do a chin up? Yep

(11) What's your favorite piece of jewelry? A Lia Sophia necklace & I MUST wear earrings daily

(12) Do you like blue cheese? I do, why don't I eat it more often??

(13) Ever been in a car wreck? nope

(14) Do you have ADD? What a silly question...That would explain some of my obsessive compulsive behaviors now wouldn't it?!?

(15) What's one trait that you hate about yourself? I can't take criticism and I procrastinate (sometimes)

(16) Middle name? Dawn

(17) Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment? 1-What am I going to make for dinner 2-I can't believe that I just told everyone my middle name 3- I gotta call my sister

(18) Name 3 things you bought yesterday? 1-admission to a scrapbooking event 2- scrapbooking stuff from the event 3- the newest edition of Weight Watchers magazine

(19) Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? 1-Coffee 2-Water 3-More Coffee

(20) Current worry? Am I screwing up my kids for life???

(21) Current hate right now? The price of gas & the last 10 lbs.

(23) How did you bring in the New Year? @ home, I'm not sure if I even made it to midnight.

(24) Where would you like to be right now? I'd like to be a fitness trainer, I'd like to be able to travel to visit far away friends, I'd like to be scrappin' @ Legacies in Florida w/Lorrie :)

(25) Do you like bok choy? I don't know if I've ever had it

(26) Do you own slippers? I don't

(27) What shirt are you wearing? A sweatshirt that I've had since high school. I slept in it cuz my husband likes to keep the house like Antarctica during the night

(28) Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Never have slept on them

(29) Can you whistle? yes

(31) Would you be a pirate? WTF

(32) What songs do you sing in the shower? I don't sing in the shower

(33) Favorite girl's name? Isabella

(34) Favorite boy's name? Dominick and Angelo

(35) What is in your pocket? No pockets

(36) Last thing that made you laugh? Me & Joanne were laughing so hard last night that we had tears in our eyes. I can't remember what was so funny though!

(37) Best bed sheets as a child? I don't remember specific sheets, but I did sleep with a quilt that my grandma made. It was yellow & white with roller skates on it.

(38) Worst injury you ever had? 2 herniated discs in my neck. I wouldn't wish that pain on my worst enemy!!

(39) Do you like where you live? I like it okay

(40) How many TVs do you have in your house? 6

(41) Who is your loudest friend? My sister for sure!!

(42) How many dogs do you have? 1

(43) Does someone have a crush on you? He better!

(44) Favorite book? I don't think I have one. I am going to read the Secret though

(46) What is your favorite candy? M&M's

(47) Favorite Sports Team? none

(48) What song do you want played at your funeral? Wow! I never thought of that one

(49) What were you doing at 12 AM last night? reading "my peeps" blogs

(50) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up today? Why is my dog trying to bite my 7 year olds face off!!! Don't ask

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!!

Happy Mother's Day!

As we speak, I'm sitting in bed *surfing* and it's 8:50 am. Nice huh?! I'm enjoying a cup of coffee and no one is bothering me. I'm diggin' it.

I did have to wake up at 7 am because Angelo wanted to open his B-day presents. You see...I'm sharing my day with him since it's his 7th birthday. That's okay though. I'll gladly give up being selfish today to give him the spotlight. Kind of ironic don't you think?

happy birthday angelo! I can't believe you're 7! Enjoy your day! I love you very much!!Well...I'm off to workout then get ready to go to my sister's house.

Enjoy you day. Being a mom is the hardest job that you'll ever do.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

long time no blog...

so...if you have a husband who plays Everquest
Run, don't walk, as fast as you can in the other direction!! I hate this game with every fiber of my being!! I don't have the stats, but I'm pretty sure it ruins lives, marriages, etc... That's all I have to say about that.

On a lighter note...I totally forgot to post way back on april 16th 2008 @ 7:32 am I officially became a Weight Watchers Lifetime member!!! Yay!! No more paying monthly fees, no more fat!! I'm so proud of myself. I still have maybe 5 or 10 lbs. to go for my personal goal. What I really need to do is tone up. Things are lookin' a little *mushy*. I'm gonna start doing Tosca Reno's Eat Clean Workout. I also have her Eat Clean Diet book. Her eating plan reminds me of the Core Plan on WW.
Good Stuff!

I'm trying to get my scrappin' *mojo* back. I made these cards for my sister and my niece for their birthdays.
Next I need to make mother's day cards. I'm gonna search some of my favorite blogs for some inspiration.

School's out next month. Of course I have mixed feelings about this. Yay for no nightly homework. Not so Yay for bored kids who have every toy and video game under the sun but can't find anything to do. I'm gonna go about the summer vacation thing a whole new way this year. I haven't quite figured out what exactly I'm gonna do yet though.

It's late and I'm tired. Peace out girl scout!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


31 pounds gone forever!! I have just 2 more weigh in's until I make life time!!

I lost 2.2 lbs this week and I even weighed in a day early. I'm so excited to be rid of 31 yucky disgusting pounds. For those of you who are familiar with Weight Watchers, that means that I now have 6 stars on my bookmark.

Anyone who *knows* me knows that I always have the greatest intentions of doing things and never see them through to the end. I'm really proud to say that I'm seeing this weight loss journey to the end.

A funny thing happened at weigh in this morning...I got there early and weighed in then I went to change into work clothes. When I was tying my shoes I overheard these ladies talking about me!! They were asking each other what the heck I was doing there and they said that I must have been an April fool's day joke from Weight Watchers since I clearly didn't need to lose any weight.
I thought it was funny and an ego boost and just kept my comments to myself. In a twisted sort of way it made me feel really good! Now let me mention that my normal weigh in day is Wednesday and since it's Tuesday these ladies hadn't seen me all these weeks losing weight. I could've show them my fat pictures (which I have in my wallet AT ALL TIMES) but I didn't.'s

That's it for now. Kids and hubby are good. No news is good news!!

Thursday, February 28, 2008


Okay...I can hardly contain myself!! I've lost 25.8 lbs. Yay!! Only 1.4 lbs. to go to make WW goal. I can't believe it. I mean, I imagined it, but it seemed so unattainable. Here's my proof.

The picture on the left is my 10% weight loss charm &&& my 25 lb. charm that I got yesterday.
The picture on the right is my card from yesterday.

I switched to core a few days ago to rev up my metabolism. I guess it worked. I also updated my playlist on my pda so when I'm on the treadmill I have some 80's freestyle so keep me motivated.

Here's my * new do*...

We also did this...

She has been * begging * to get her ears double pierced for the longest. Next she's going to try to con me into getting her a cell phone.

I'm off the catch up on all my blog reads.
Next week * when I make goal :) * I'll post before & after pics.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


Total weight loss!
24.2 LBS
Total weight loss!
Last Recorded Weight: 143 lbs on 2/11/2008
POINTS® Target: 22
Meeting day:Wednesday

I can't weigh in this wednesday because i have to work. maybe thursday. i hope to be at goal!!! once i maintain goal for 6 weeks, i'll be LIFETIME !!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

these are some pics we took in the jeep while waiting for the bus the other day. we were just being silly. it's way to cold to stand outside and wait. not to mention, on this particular day, the bus never showed up!! this has been the worst year for the bus. i called the transportation dept. and they told me that the bus was going to be 1 and 1/2 hours late!! WHAT!! of course i just drove them to school, but what about the poor kids at the other stops who are just standing there * waiting *. kids have no concept of time. they'll just stay there and wait...and freeze. this makes no sense to me.

so, on a * completely * different subject. i seriously am in need of a new * do* !! i'm sooo sick of the current hair situation. i want something * cute funky hip * but still want it to look cute when i don't have lots of time to invest. of course i've been scouring the web for ideas. i think this is super cute! any help would be truly appreciated.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

*Happy New Year*

*wow* where has the time gone?! i can't believe it's 2008!! i don't make new year's *resolutions*, but i do always try to make some life changes. here i go...

*spend more time w/my kids
*be more active ( new WW goal of 10 more lbs. by spring)
*be more *fit*
*be more patient
*be more thankful
*be kinder to myself and my family
*be a better mom, wife & friend

i want to be held accountable!! so whoever * catches * me not applying these principles LET ME HAVE IT!!

school starts thursday. YaY!!! i'm ready for the kids to go back and i think they are too.

i'm going to look for a new job. maybe i'll look into going back to school. i think i want to do something in the fitness field. maybe i can get * paid * to tone up. :)

i'm going to challenge myself to take 365 pictures of me and the famalia!! one a day of each of us. just random, not posed or planned out. it will be interesting to see how we've all changed by the end of the year. *of course* i'm going to scrapbook all of this. i'll post pics online too.