Monday, July 12, 2010

fit by 40!!!!

once again i start the battle of my weight. it's getting so old and frustrating. on 7/10/2010 i started herbalife. i'm hoping this will jump start me weight loss {again!} gaining and losing is so exhausting. the good news is that i really do feel satisfied and surprisingly not hungry. the big day is 10/16. i'm losing weight for not only myself but because i'm standing up in a wedding on that date. my new mantra is fit by 40! no more excuses, no more wasting time, no more b.s., no more yo yo'ing.

Goal is at least 30 pounds!!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010


breakfast w/the ladies
grocery shop
get my dress for the wedding

i think that i'm not going to weigh myself until 4/1. i'm so sick of dreading the scale every morning. ugh! got some scary before pics to post soon. i need to get back to menu planning and not buying any junk that comes out of a box or a bag. i need to start taking vitamins daily again. why do i do so good for so long and then fall off the wagon?! makes me crazy!


Monday, February 8, 2010


up @ 4:20 this a.m. for a date w/ the treadmill. get the kiddios off to school and then a breakfast date w/ my peeps from work.