Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!!

Happy Mother's Day!

As we speak, I'm sitting in bed *surfing* and it's 8:50 am. Nice huh?! I'm enjoying a cup of coffee and no one is bothering me. I'm diggin' it.

I did have to wake up at 7 am because Angelo wanted to open his B-day presents. You see...I'm sharing my day with him since it's his 7th birthday. That's okay though. I'll gladly give up being selfish today to give him the spotlight. Kind of ironic don't you think?

happy birthday angelo! I can't believe you're 7! Enjoy your day! I love you very much!!Well...I'm off to workout then get ready to go to my sister's house.

Enjoy you day. Being a mom is the hardest job that you'll ever do.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

long time no blog...

so...if you have a husband who plays Everquest
Run, don't walk, as fast as you can in the other direction!! I hate this game with every fiber of my being!! I don't have the stats, but I'm pretty sure it ruins lives, marriages, etc... That's all I have to say about that.

On a lighter note...I totally forgot to post way back on april 16th 2008 @ 7:32 am I officially became a Weight Watchers Lifetime member!!! Yay!! No more paying monthly fees, no more fat!! I'm so proud of myself. I still have maybe 5 or 10 lbs. to go for my personal goal. What I really need to do is tone up. Things are lookin' a little *mushy*. I'm gonna start doing Tosca Reno's Eat Clean Workout. I also have her Eat Clean Diet book. Her eating plan reminds me of the Core Plan on WW.
Good Stuff!

I'm trying to get my scrappin' *mojo* back. I made these cards for my sister and my niece for their birthdays.
Next I need to make mother's day cards. I'm gonna search some of my favorite blogs for some inspiration.

School's out next month. Of course I have mixed feelings about this. Yay for no nightly homework. Not so Yay for bored kids who have every toy and video game under the sun but can't find anything to do. I'm gonna go about the summer vacation thing a whole new way this year. I haven't quite figured out what exactly I'm gonna do yet though.

It's late and I'm tired. Peace out girl scout!