Tuesday, April 1, 2008


31 pounds gone forever!! I have just 2 more weigh in's until I make life time!!

I lost 2.2 lbs this week and I even weighed in a day early. I'm so excited to be rid of 31 yucky disgusting pounds. For those of you who are familiar with Weight Watchers, that means that I now have 6 stars on my bookmark.

Anyone who *knows* me knows that I always have the greatest intentions of doing things and never see them through to the end. I'm really proud to say that I'm seeing this weight loss journey to the end.

A funny thing happened at weigh in this morning...I got there early and weighed in then I went to change into work clothes. When I was tying my shoes I overheard these ladies talking about me!! They were asking each other what the heck I was doing there and they said that I must have been an April fool's day joke from Weight Watchers since I clearly didn't need to lose any weight.
I thought it was funny and an ego boost and just kept my comments to myself. In a twisted sort of way it made me feel really good! Now let me mention that my normal weigh in day is Wednesday and since it's Tuesday these ladies hadn't seen me all these weeks losing weight. I could've show them my fat pictures (which I have in my wallet AT ALL TIMES) but I didn't.'s

That's it for now. Kids and hubby are good. No news is good news!!