Thursday, June 26, 2008

Ice Cream & Pizza


Why is it that if either of these things are in the house that they call my name from the kitchen? And me, like a dummy, think that if I just eat ALL of the ice cream then it will be gone and it will stop * taunting * me?!

Oh well. Today is a new day. I worked out and am sticking to CORE.

These are my new goals...
1. track every darn thing that passes my lips
2. cardio EVERY day- at least 30 min
3. strength training EVERY OTHER day- no matter what
4. WATER WATER and more WATER!!!

Why do my * fat girl * eating habits always want to come back to haunt me??

Well no more. I'm sick of this. June 27th marks 1 year on Weight Watchers and 2 months since Lifetime.

It's exactly 32 days until my birthday. I will be in the best shape of my life by the time that day comes. That's a fact!! My goal is to look better and fitter at 37 than I ever have.

Watch my progress. I'll post pics on July 28.

I plan to blog obsessively about my exercise and food consumption. If anyone actually reads about my boring life, leave me a comment or some words of encouragement!!

Thanks in advance.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

50 Odd Things About Me!!

50 odd things about me!

50 Odd Things About Me
If you have a blog of your own, copy & paste this, fill in your own answers, and let your readers get to know you a little better!

(1) Favorite hobby? Scrapbooking, cardmaking and believe it or not...working out

(2) How do you feel about your ex? Which one???

(3) Do you own guns? Nope

(4) What flavor do you add to your drink at sonic? We don't have a Sonic, so I'm not sure what this means???

(5) Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? If it's a dentist appt. then I wouldn't call it nervous...I'd call it a full blown panic/anxiety attack!!

(6) What do you think of hot dogs? I'm mad at mine right now. dumb dog

(7) Favorite Christmas song? Rockin' around the Christmas tree

(8) What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Coffeeeeee!!!!

(9) Can you do push ups? Yep

(10) Can you do a chin up? Yep

(11) What's your favorite piece of jewelry? A Lia Sophia necklace & I MUST wear earrings daily

(12) Do you like blue cheese? I do, why don't I eat it more often??

(13) Ever been in a car wreck? nope

(14) Do you have ADD? What a silly question...That would explain some of my obsessive compulsive behaviors now wouldn't it?!?

(15) What's one trait that you hate about yourself? I can't take criticism and I procrastinate (sometimes)

(16) Middle name? Dawn

(17) Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment? 1-What am I going to make for dinner 2-I can't believe that I just told everyone my middle name 3- I gotta call my sister

(18) Name 3 things you bought yesterday? 1-admission to a scrapbooking event 2- scrapbooking stuff from the event 3- the newest edition of Weight Watchers magazine

(19) Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? 1-Coffee 2-Water 3-More Coffee

(20) Current worry? Am I screwing up my kids for life???

(21) Current hate right now? The price of gas & the last 10 lbs.

(23) How did you bring in the New Year? @ home, I'm not sure if I even made it to midnight.

(24) Where would you like to be right now? I'd like to be a fitness trainer, I'd like to be able to travel to visit far away friends, I'd like to be scrappin' @ Legacies in Florida w/Lorrie :)

(25) Do you like bok choy? I don't know if I've ever had it

(26) Do you own slippers? I don't

(27) What shirt are you wearing? A sweatshirt that I've had since high school. I slept in it cuz my husband likes to keep the house like Antarctica during the night

(28) Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Never have slept on them

(29) Can you whistle? yes

(31) Would you be a pirate? WTF

(32) What songs do you sing in the shower? I don't sing in the shower

(33) Favorite girl's name? Isabella

(34) Favorite boy's name? Dominick and Angelo

(35) What is in your pocket? No pockets

(36) Last thing that made you laugh? Me & Joanne were laughing so hard last night that we had tears in our eyes. I can't remember what was so funny though!

(37) Best bed sheets as a child? I don't remember specific sheets, but I did sleep with a quilt that my grandma made. It was yellow & white with roller skates on it.

(38) Worst injury you ever had? 2 herniated discs in my neck. I wouldn't wish that pain on my worst enemy!!

(39) Do you like where you live? I like it okay

(40) How many TVs do you have in your house? 6

(41) Who is your loudest friend? My sister for sure!!

(42) How many dogs do you have? 1

(43) Does someone have a crush on you? He better!

(44) Favorite book? I don't think I have one. I am going to read the Secret though

(46) What is your favorite candy? M&M's

(47) Favorite Sports Team? none

(48) What song do you want played at your funeral? Wow! I never thought of that one

(49) What were you doing at 12 AM last night? reading "my peeps" blogs

(50) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up today? Why is my dog trying to bite my 7 year olds face off!!! Don't ask